Trenchless Construction

Horizontal Directional Drilling

Horizontal directional drilling (HDD) is a method that uses a drilling machine to create an underground path for pipes, cables, or other infrastructure. Here are some advantages and characteristics of this method:

  • Minimal Surface Disruption: Since excavation is only required at the entry and exit points, the majority of the surface remains undisturbed.
  • Flexibility: The method allows for navigating around obstacles such as rivers, roads, or buildings.
  • Cost-Efficiency: Compared to traditional laying methods, HDD can save both time and costs, especially in densely built areas.
  • Environmental Friendliness: With reduced soil excavation, fewer pollutants are released, and there is less disturbance to wildlife and plants.

Soil displacement hammer

Soil displacement hammers, also known as earth rockets, are specially designed devices used to create small underground channels for laying cables, pipes, or other services. Here are some features and advantages of this method:

  • Speed: Earth rockets are ideal for short distances and can be deployed faster compared to other methods.
  • Precision: Thanks to modern technology, earth rockets can be very accurately controlled, minimizing the risk of errors or damage to other underground structures.
  • Reduced Excavation: Similar to horizontal directional drilling, this method largely eliminates the need for digging.
  • Cost Savings: Due to the speed and efficiency of earth rockets, they often result in cost savings compared to traditional techniques.